Latina and surroundings

Ciociaria and the Ulysses Riviera

Ciociaria and the Ulysses Riviera

A mythological travel on the track of the Enchantress Circe and the Cyclops

This tour will lead you from the inland areas of the Cyclops, the ancient Homeric giants who created the fascinating acropolises placed in the current province of Frosinone area, to the Tyrrhenian Coast of the Ulysses Riviera.

Besides visiting the Circeo National Park, declared “a biosphere reserve” by the Unesco and candidate for World Heritage of Humanity status, you will attend a telematic fish auction (accordingly with local fishermen’s return). It will be a mythological tour to enjoy the culture, art and folklore of a land still to discover..let’s sharpen your senses !

TOUR 4 Days- 3 Nights

If you want to get a personalized itinerary, do not hesitate to contact us at the phone number:

Turismo Arancione
Telefono(+39) 0775.211417 • (+39) 393.9229768
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About Us

Turismo Arancione

TuAtour - Turismo Arancione Tours T.O.
after ten years of promoting villages, towns of artistic interest and Ciociaria's typical products and beauties, is pleased to announce the first catalogue about the province of Frosinone, Ciociaria as well as lesser known tourist destinations such as the small Italian and Bulgarian villages..
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